
Several species within the Tenthredinidae family

Host Plants:

On Crops: Different species attack pears and roses

Where Found:

Worldwide in temperate climates


Small leaf-eating worms consume the soft tissues between leaf veins of roses or pears, making the leaves look scorched. Sawfly larvae appear slimy or wet compared to other caterpillars, and are sometimes called slugs.


Leaf loss is the main issue with sawflies, but most established plants can tolerate light feeding.

Preventing Problems:

Diverse organic gardens host numerous sawfly predators. If you have seen sawflies on your plants before, start checking leaf undersides in mid spring so you can intervene early if necessary.

Managing Outbreaks:

When sawfly larvae are young, a strong spray of water from the hose will wash them to the ground, where they perish. Insecticidal soap is also highly effective against sawflies.

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